Beiträge von Kali


  THOUGHTS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN GIBBERISH When we begin to look inside, we encounter an overwhelming number of thoughts – thoughts around thoughts that seem to turn in loops.…

Inner landscape (India)

  When we start our inner journey, we begin to discover the „INNER LANDSCAPE“. It looks like a patchwork carpet, almost a bit like India, with all its different colours…

The great mystery

Life is a mystery It’s up to us what we make of it. We often believe that we are „helpless“ at his mercy. Life surprises us with all its different…


  A diptych   What’s the meaning of life? Why are we here?   When we start asking ourselves these questions, the most exciting journey begins – the journey within…

Land of milk and honey

  The land of unlimited possibilities – between dream & reality   Our imagination makes everything possible. The thoughts in us manifest themselves in the material world. The material world…

Dance with darkness

  Often we evaluate darkness in our lives, the dark moments as something bad or negative. I have experienced that darkness can be something very wonderful and mystical. This work…

Life is pure joy

  Life is pure joy – a game to be enjoyed. If we don’t take life and ourselves too seriously and see it as a game, we can feel the…
SoulArtist Kunst Design Markendesign Interior Inneneinrichtung Kunstwerk Acrylmalerei

Verspielter Tanz des Lebens

  The Playful Dance of Life is a trilogy. Consisting of three parts that belong together in content, it brings positive energy into every room that it decorates. It is…

Colorful life

The colourful life Life is colorful and full of surprises when we learn to look at it through the eyes of a child again. The mysteries of life are revealed.…
SoulArtist Kunst Design Markendesign Interior Inneneinrichtung Kunstwerk Acrylmalerei Kunst für Bürogebäude


  A work of art that was created out of the moment.  Full of liveliness and colourfulness, it is full of surprises. Take a close look – perhaps you will…